FTC Bans Non-Compete Agreements

The federal government took an unprecedented step by finalizing a rule that seeks to ban non-compete agreements between nearly all employers and all workers. If the rule survives legal challenges, employers will be prohibited from entering into most new non-competes and prevented from enforcing existing non-competes in all but a few circumstances, such as against a limited class of…

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Spring Cleaning Your Business

Spring is here, and it’s the perfect time to breathe new life into your business by refreshing your workplace. Just as we tidy up our homes after winter, it’s essential to give our offices a thorough cleaning to boost productivity and morale. Here are some spring cleaning tips to help you declutter, organize, and revitalize…

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Resume Writing Tips

When it comes to your job search, recognize that your resume serves as the initial introduction to potential employers. It’s crucial to ensure it stands out from the crowd. Before diving into the process, take a moment to explore some essential resume writing tips to assemble it effectively, leaving a lasting impact. Review Industry Related…

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Vendor Consolidation for Small Businesses

Dealing with multiple single vendors can create “invisible” but significant costs for small to mid-sized businesses. Conversely, your company is viewed as an “Individual sale”, so they adjust their pricing models to seek maximum profit from each account they sell. So, what is Vendor Consolidation?  Vendor consolidation is a strategic move to reduce or consolidate…

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5 Signs It’s Time to Look for A PEO Partner

Modern-day Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) employers face a plethora of challenges that cause hindrance to their business’ success and growth. One domain that has been increasingly burdensome than others is HR. HR Managers are faced with “wearing multiple hats”, handling everything from daily transactional HR issues, recruitment needs, negotiating and overseeing employee benefits, approving…

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